



1. On the one hand, on the other hand

这是表示“一方面…另一方面…”的常用表达方式。例如:“On the one hand, I would love to travel around the world, but on the other hand, I don’t have enough money to support myself.”

2. In my opinion

这是表示“依我看…”的常用表达方式。例如:“In my opinion, learning a foreign language is very important for personal growth and career development.”

3. To be honest

这是表示“说实话…”的常用表达方式。例如:“To be honest, I’m not very interested in watching sports on TV.”

4. At the end of the day

这是表示“总而言之…”的常用表达方式。例如:“At the end of the day, it’s important to be happy and content with what you have.”

5. By the way

这是表示“顺便说一下…”的常用表达方式。例如:“By the way, have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened downtown?”

6. As a matter of fact

这是表示“事实上…”的常用表达方式。例如:“As a matter of fact, I’ve been studying English for over 10 years.”

7. It goes without saying

这是表示“不用说…”的常用表达方式。例如:“It goes without saying that hard work and dedication are key to achieving success.”

8. All in all

这是表示“总的来说…”的常用表达方式。例如:“All in all, I had a great time on my vacation.”

9. On top of that

这是表示“除此之外…”的常用表达方式。例如:“On top of that, I also have to finish my report by tomorrow.”

10. As far as I’m concerned

这是表示“就我而言…”的常用表达方式。例如:“As far as I’m concerned, the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in the culture.”



