


1. 做出决定


(1) make a decision:做出决定

例句:I need to make a decision about which university to attend. 我需要做出关于去哪所大学的决定。

(2) reach a decision:达成决定

例句:After long discussions, we finally reached a decision on the project. 经过长时间的讨论,我们最终达成了项目决定。

(3) come to a decision:做出决定

例句:We need to come to a decision on the new proposal as soon as possible. 我们需要尽快就新建议做出决定。

2. 接受邀请


(1) accept an invitation:接受邀请

例句:I’m happy to accept your invitation to the party. 我很高兴接受你的聚会邀请。

(2) decline an invitation:拒绝邀请

例句:I’m sorry, but I have to decline your invitation to the wedding. 对不起,我不得不拒绝你的婚礼邀请。

(3) RSVP:回复邀请

例句:Please RSVP by next Friday if you can attend the conference. 如果你能参加会议,请在下周五之前回复。

3. 提供帮助


(1) offer assistance:提供帮助

例句:If you need any help with your project, please don’t hesitate to ask. 如果你有任何项目方面的困难,请不要犹豫,随时向我求助。

(2) lend a hand:伸出援手

例句:I can lend a hand with the moving if you need me. 如果你需要帮忙搬家,我可以伸出援手。

(3) give a hand:给予帮助

例句:Could you give me a hand with carrying these boxes? 你能帮我搬运这些箱子吗?

4. 取得进展


(1) make progress:取得进展

例句:We’ve made a lot of progress in the development of the new product. 我们在新产品的开发方面取得了很大进展。

(2) move forward:向前迈进

例句:We need to move forward with the project to meet the deadline. 我们需要继续推进项目,以满足截止日期。

(3) get ahead:超越

例句:If we work hard, we can get ahead of our competitors in the market. 如果我们努力工作,我们可以在市场上超越竞争对手。

5. 表达感觉


(1) express feelings:表达感受

例句:It’s important to express your feelings to your partner in a relationship. 在恋爱关系中,向你的伴侣表达你的感受很重要。

(2) convey emotions:传达情感

例句:The painting conveys a sense of sadness and loneliness. 这幅画传达了一种悲伤和孤独的感觉。

(3) show sentiment:表现情感

例句:The actor’s performance showed a lot of sentiment and emotion. 演员的表演充满了情感和感情。



